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image reconstruction based on the Total Variation model

资 源 简 介

a software package for image reconstruction based on the Total Variation model, and including denoising, inpainting, and deblurring. Ralated paper:J. Dahl, P. C. Hansen, S. H. Jensen, and T. L. Jensen, Algorithms and Software for Total Variation Image Rec

详 情 说 明

In the given text, the author mentions a software package that focuses on image reconstruction using the Total Variation model. This software package offers various functionalities such as denoising, inpainting, and deblurring. Additionally, the author references a related paper titled "Algorithms and Software for Total Variation Image Reconstruction via First-Order Methods" authored by J. Dahl, P. C. Hansen, S. H. Jensen, and T. L. Jensen in the journal Numerical Algorithms, volume 53, published in 2010, with pages 67-92. This paper likely provides further details and insights into the algorithms and software used for Total Variation image reconstruction.