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EDFA matlab coden Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA)

资 源 简 介

EDFA matlab coden Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA) consists of a piece of fiber of length L, whose core is uniformly doped with Erbium ions. Such ions can be thought of as simple two-level systems, i.e., they can have only two energy states: 1) a funda

详 情 说 明

The Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA) is a device that amplifies optical signals by using a piece of fiber of length L, which contains Erbium ions uniformly doped in its core. These ions can be considered as two-level systems, which means that they have two energy states: the fundamental state and the excited state.

To excite these ions, a strong "pump" laser light with a wavelength of usually 980 nm or 1480 nm is propagated into the core of the fiber. The pump light is absorbed by the Erbium ions, causing them to jump from their fundamental state to the excited state.

Once the ions are in their excited state, they can emit photons and return to their fundamental state. During this process, the photons interact with the fiber and stimulate other Erbium ions to emit photons as well. This results in the amplification of the optical signal passing through the fiber.

In summary, the EDFA is a device that amplifies optical signals by using a piece of fiber doped with Erbium ions. The pump laser light excites the ions, causing them to emit photons and amplify the signal passing through the fiber.