This code calculated the LDP histogram and is based on B Zhang, Y Gao, S Zhao & J Liu, "Local Derivative Pattern Versus Local Binary Pattern: Face Recognition With High-Order Local Pattern Descriptor," Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on, vol.19, no.2,
This M Code simulate the effects of clipping and filtering on PAPR PAPR reduction in OFDM-based wireless standard.Also the performance of BER versus SNR of original OFDM signals with PAPR reduction based on clipping and filtering schemes over AWGN channel
Line Based Recognition using a Multidimensional Hausdorff Distance _______ DESCRIPTION _______ Matching the image with its rotated and scaled version using 4 dimensional hausdorff measure. ___REFERENCE___ Paper 1: Line Based Recognition us
Title: MMSE Receiver for DS-SS in AWGN Channel Author: Panson Tantikovit Summary: An adaptive receiver for DS-SS systems matlab Release: R12.1 Required Products: Communications Toolbox,Signal Processing Blockset Description: This is an adaptive recei