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an innovative sinusoidal pulse width modulation technique

资 源 简 介

simulink model of an innovative sinusoidal pulse width modulation technique for upqc. try to verify the performance. it is for study purpose..

详 情 说 明

In this document, I present a Simulink model of an innovative sinusoidal pulse width modulation technique for Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC). The aim of this model is to verify the performance of the proposed technique. This model is intended for study purposes and provides a comprehensive understanding of the modulation technique and its impact on the performance of the UPQC system. By analyzing the simulation results, we can gain insights into the effectiveness of the proposed technique in improving power quality and mitigating voltage and current disturbances. This model serves as a valuable tool for researchers and students interested in the field of power quality and UPQC applications.