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多目标遗传算法程序to run Demo files

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多目标遗传算法程序to run Demo files, is to run SGALAB_demo_*.m what s new:1) Multiple-Objective GAsVEGANSGANPGAMOGA2) More TSP mutation and Crossover methodsPMXOXCX EAXBoolmatrix3) More selection methodsTruncationtornamentstochastic4) mutation methodsbinary single

详 情 说 明

In order to run the Demo files, you need to run the SGALAB_demo_*.m program. Here's what's new:

1) Multiple-Objective Genetic Algorithms (MOGAs)

2) VEGANSGANPGAMOGA for better optimization

3) Additional mutation and crossover methods for the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) such as PMX, OX, CX, EAX, and Boolean matrix

4) More selection methods including Truncation, Tournament, and Stochastic

5) Various mutation methods such as binary single point, integer/real single point, and DNA permutation

6) Enhanced encoding/decoding methods for binary, integer, real, messy, gray, and DNA permutation data

To resolve the plot bugs for version 4001, please download the provided file and replace the old files.