

您现在的位置是:MatlabCode > 资源下载 > 仿真计算 > 考虑风电场内尾流影响计算风电场内每台风电机组的输入风速


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详 情 说 明

In order to accurately calculate the wake effect within a wind farm, it is necessary to take into account the input wind speed of each wind turbine within the farm. This can be achieved by making modifications to the number and placement of the turbines. By adjusting the coordinates of the turbines, we can ensure that the wake effect is properly accounted for in our calculations. This is a crucial step in optimizing the overall output of a wind farm, as it allows for a more precise understanding of the wind conditions at each individual turbine site. With these calculations in place, we can make informed decisions about how to best optimize the performance of the wind farm as a whole.