The following is an example of a program code for adding noise in Matlab. This code will allow you to add noise to your audio signal and enhance its quality. By adding noise, you can simulate real-world conditions, which will help you to test the robustness of your signal processing algorithms.
% Program code for adding noise in Matlab
% =======================================
% Load the audio file
[y, Fs] = audioread('your_audio_file.wav');
% Add white Gaussian noise
SNR = 10; % Signal-to-Noise Ratio
noise = randn(size(y));
noise = noise / norm(noise) * norm(y) / 10^(SNR/20);
y_noisy = y + noise;
% Play the noisy audio
sound(y_noisy, Fs);
% Save the noisy audio
audiowrite('your_audio_file_noisy.wav', y_noisy, Fs);
As you can see, this program code is very useful for adding noise to your audio signal. It can be used in various applications, such as speech recognition, audio denoising, and audio compression. Additionally, you can modify this code to add different types of noise, such as pink noise or brown noise. Overall, this program code is a great tool for any researcher or musician who needs to enhance the quality of their audio signals.