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Main profile in H.264

  • 资源大小:4K
  • 下载次数:0 次
  • 浏览次数:90 次
  • 资源积分:1 积分
  • 标      签: H.264"

资 源 简 介

Main profile in H.264

详 情 说 明

The H.264 codec is widely used for video encoding in a variety of applications. It offers high compression ratios without sacrificing image quality, making it a popular choice for streaming video over the Internet or other bandwidth-limited networks. Additionally, H.264 is supported on a wide range of devices including mobile phones, tablets, and televisions, making it an ideal choice for delivering high-quality video content to a broad audience. Overall, the H.264 codec has become a standard in the video industry and is an essential tool for anyone involved in video production, distribution, or consumption.