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Digital Predistortion of Nonlieaner RF Power Amplifier

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Digital Predistortion of Nonlieaner RF Power Amplifier with Memory Effects. This M code simulates a DPD technique linearization for a AB-class nonlinear HPA with memory effects. Here we consider a memory polynomial predistorter to modeling nonlinearity ch

详 情 说 明

The process of Digital Predistortion of Nonlinear RF Power Amplifier with Memory Effects is an important technique in the field of wireless communication. The M code provided in this document demonstrates a linearization method for an AB-class nonlinear HPA with memory effects.

To model the nonlinearity and memory effects of the HPA, we consider a memory polynomial predistorter. The simulation procedures are divided into three separate parts:

1. Analog imperfection compensation for the direct upconversion transmitter

2. Designing a DPD based on a memory polynomial predistorter

3. Performance evaluation via a number of parameters such as Error Vector Magnitude (EVM), Power Spectral Density (PSD), and Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR).

By utilizing the aforementioned procedures, we can effectively reduce the distortion caused by the HPA's nonlinearity and memory effects, resulting in a significant improvement in the quality of wireless communication.