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Convert WGS 84 (CTS, ECEF) Coordinates to ECI (CIS, Epoch J2000.0) Coordinates

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  • 标      签: WGS 84 ECEF ECI CIS Epoch

资 源 简 介

Convert WGS 84 (CTS, ECEF) Coordinates to ECI (CIS, Epoch J2000.0) Coordinates. This function has been vectorized for speed. The associated error in converting between coordinate frames is on the order of 1.2*10^-11 km when compared to STK ephemeris outpu

详 情 说 明

This function, which has been vectorized for speed, allows for the conversion of WGS 84 (CTS, ECEF) Coordinates to ECI (CIS, Epoch J2000.0) Coordinates. The conversion accuracy is an impressive 1.2*10^-11 km, as compared to STK ephemeris output. This high degree of accuracy ensures that the converted coordinates retain their original precision even after being transformed to a different coordinate frame. Additionally, this function is incredibly useful in a variety of applications where precise coordinate transformations are required, such as satellite tracking or space navigation.