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详 情 说 明

When it comes to drawing B-splines and Bezier curves, there are a few things to consider. While both methods can be implemented on different platforms, such as MATLAB and VC, each has its own unique characteristics.

B-splines, for example, are a type of mathematical function used to represent curves. They are defined by a set of control points and a degree, which determines the smoothness of the curve. B-splines are often used in computer graphics and CAD software because they can represent complex shapes with relatively few control points.

On the other hand, Bezier curves are a type of parametric curve that are commonly used in computer graphics and vector drawing software. Like B-splines, they are defined by a set of control points; however, the degree of a Bezier curve is always one less than the number of control points. Bezier curves are known for their versatility and ease of use, making them a popular choice among designers and artists.

So, whether you choose to use B-splines or Bezier curves depends on the specific needs of your project and the tools you have available.