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  • 标      签: DE算法

资 源 简 介


详 情 说 明

The DE algorithm is a type of evolutionary algorithm that is used in optimization problems. It stands for Differential Evolution, and it works by maintaining a population of candidate solutions that evolve over time.

One of the key features of the DE algorithm is that it uses a mutation operator to create new candidate solutions. This mutation operator works by taking the difference between two randomly selected solutions from the population and adding it to a third solution.

The DE algorithm has been used in a variety of applications, including image processing, control systems, and financial forecasting. It is a powerful tool for optimization problems because it is easy to implement and can be used for both continuous and discrete problems.

In conclusion, the DE algorithm is an important tool for solving optimization problems. While it may seem simple at first glance, it has many powerful features that make it a valuable addition to any toolbox.