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direct torque control of bldc with low torque ripple

资 源 简 介

direct torque control of bldc with low torque ripple

详 情 说 明

Direct Torque Control (DTC) of Brushless DC (BLDC) motors is an effective method for precise control of torque and speed. However, DTC of BLDC motors can suffer from high torque ripple, which can cause problems in some applications. In order to address this issue, researchers have developed various techniques to reduce torque ripple in DTC of BLDC motors, such as the use of predictive torque control, which can predict the torque and stator flux of the motor in the next switching period, and the use of fuzzy logic control, which can adjust the control parameters based on the error between the actual and desired torque. These techniques have been shown to effectively reduce torque ripple and improve the performance of DTC of BLDC motors in various applications, such as electric vehicles, robotics, and industrial automation.