

您现在的位置是:MatlabCode > 资源下载 > 仿真计算 > PML设置吸收边界条件


资 源 简 介

% 本程序实现2维TM波FDTD仿真% 此程序用PML设置吸收边界条件% FDTD_2D_kongqi_PML% 仅喊有Ez,Hx,Hy分量

详 情 说 明

This program is designed to perform 2D TM wave FDTD simulation with PML setting for absorbing boundary conditions. The program, called FDTD_2D_kongqi_PML, only has components for Ez, Hx, and Hy. It is important to note that the program's use of PML allows for more accurate and efficient simulations, ensuring that the results obtained are reliable and trustworthy. Additionally, this program can be used by researchers and scientists in various fields who require simulations of 2D TM waves for their work. Overall, the FDTD_2D_kongqi_PML program is a valuable tool for anyone seeking to perform accurate and efficient simulations of 2D TM waves.